Shades of Autumn - Brown

Friday, November 11, 2011

Hello bloggy friends! If you've visited in the past few weeks, you know that I've been joining in celebrating the fun and glory of Autumn with the Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge hosted by Kristi of Live and Love Out Loud, and Rebecca of Bumbles & Light, and Alicia at Project Alicia. It really has been a blast searching for each week's theme and checking out all the participant's gorgeous pics! In searching for this week's theme of brown, I found lots of inspiration in the great outdoors:

And after all that fresh air, I needed something spicy and sweet to warm me up. This pumpkin spice cake fit the bill. You can find the recipe here ;)

You'll find all the participants here:

Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge

And be sure to check out the Shades of Autumn Pinterest Board as well.

Thanks so much for stopping by today! I love reading your comments and visiting your blogs to see what's new in your neck of the woods. Have a beautiful weekend!
Carletta said...

Lovely series!
Great textures -especially that of the tree trunk with the spot of leaf color.
The cake looks delicious - nice shot of it as well.

Miriam said...

Your brown's are beautiful! I think it is such a rich colour. Cake looks scrummy! My favourite shot is the pine cone.

Gillian said...

These are beautiful! Love the textures, and the little acorn is super cute : )

Cedar said...

Lovely, lovely set of brown photos! I love the acorn shots!

Nadege, said...

Beautiful collections. Love the bridge reflection, the little leaf on the tree trunk and That cake looks so yummy. Thank you for the recipe link.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Like the perspective of your pine cone and the pumpkin spice cake looks delicious.

Leovi said...

Realmente son unas fotos muy bellas, recogiendo detalles muy interesantes del otoƱo y sus bonitos colores.

Anonymous said...

cool set of brown photos!!! especially photo 2 and 3!

Light Trigger: OUR ENTRY

Katherines Corner said...

Melissa you captured some beautiful browns. Big Hugs xo

Gina Kleinworth said...

You did a fabulous job finding all the beauty of brown.

Cordial Chaos said...

Great shots! i love all of the different shades of brown you found!

barefoot mama said...

You always do such a beautiful job with your photographs. I love coming to visit you:)

Nayana said...

these are so it.

Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out Loud said...

I just love the shot of the moth/butterfly on that yellow flower and the vine creeping up the tree bark as well!
Thanks for joining us in the Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge. I hope you'll be back again on Friday for our new theme, white. Have a great day!

alicia said...

Pumpkin spice cake looks delish! And so beautiful! Thanks for participating in the Shades of Autumn Challenge!


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