Gah, where did March go?! Are we seriously 1/4 of the way through 2017 already??? That seems crazy to me. And don't even get me started on how impossible it seems that I will have a 15 year old in a couple of days.
On a lighter note, we did have a fun trip to the zoo this week, compliments of my dad and stepmom who came into town for a visit. We had not been to the local zoo in several years and a lot has changed! Sadly the elephants are gone and the reptile display was closed for renovation. But we did get to see some hilarious siamangs, Asiatic black bears, cheetahs, kangaroos, and Patagonian cavies, all of which were new.
It was a fun afternoon that everyone thoroughly enjoyed. I didn't take a ton of photos, but here are a few I captured:
How was your week?
Link up your posts below and have an awesome weekend!