Friday Photo Journal - March 27, 2015
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Another Friday is here, and the last one in March at that. One quarter of 2015 is gone already - hard to believe! This week, for us, was all about school, kids' activities and just day to day plugging along. I kept on with my 365 and once again failed at posting images here during the week (so I have several today). I have been posting them on Flickr fairly regularly if you have an interest in following me there. I really need to get organized and print some of these images too. I love prints and good old fashioned photo books. How about you? What do you like to do with your images?
Thank you for stopping in! Please link up your posts below and have a wonderful weekend!

Friday Photo Journal - March 20, 2015
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Happy Friday all! Whew this month is going by quickly! I thought I'd have more time for blogging and was hoping to post regularly about my 365 but the past two weeks have been busy and full of surprises. Some great, some not so great. Anyway, I have lots of images I haven't had a chance to edit and many I have edited but not posted. So, without further ado, here are my pics from this week - at least the ones I managed to drag out of Lightroom to see the light of day.
What did your week look like?
Friday Photo Journal, March 13, 2015
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Hi friends! I hope you have enjoyed a taste of spring this week. We have begun to see a few sprouts of green, and the temps are creeping up too. The longer days sure make it feel more sunny - even if the sun isn't always shining. I have been shooting all week for my 365, but have not had time to edit much other than client work. So I only have a couple of images to share. I hope to get caught up soon!
What have you been up to?
Please link up your posts below.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Friday Photo Journal - March 6, 2015
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Hi friends! I was heading off to bed to read and remembered what day it is - so I scurried back to the 'puter to write this post. I'll keep it short and sweet and let the images do the storytelling, which includes a trip to the museum, PE class, a random warm day and some freelensing, along with our regular shenanigans.
What have you been up to?
Please link up your posts below.
Stay warm and have a wonderful weekend!