Wordful Wednesday

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

At the Memorial Day Parade, little man spied a fire truck. Oh to see through the eyes of babes... priceless.

Be sure to stop by these fabulous blogs for more Wednesday fun!
5 Minutes for Mom
7 Clown Circus
Ordinary and Awesome
Over The Top Aprons said...

Hi Melissa, I am part of the June Challenge... I enjoy your blog.

Muthering Heights said...

That is just precious! I love the excitement of children at parades!

tiarastantrums said...

awesome face!

Lindsay said...

You'll only get that look from a BOY, too. Priceless.

Claremont First Ward said...

Oh, his enthusiasm is wonderful.

Jennifer said...

I adore the excited look, quite priceless.

Stacie said...

Such a priceless capture!!

Jennifer said...

That's how I look when my husband volunteers to clean the house! ;-) Happy WW!

More Than Words said...

Yupp...he's excited alright!

Happy WW!

Susan (5 Minutes For Mom) said...

Sooooo sweet! I love how excited kids get by little things.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Love the excitement you caught.

Anonymous said...

Firetrucks are amazing to kids. Great photos. Happy WW

Susan Cook said...

Cute pic. That's great he got so excited over the fire truck! Looks like he enjoyed the parade.

Happy WW!

Sara Elizabeth said...

I love that. How sweet that he gets so excited over a fire truck. His facial expression is priceless.

Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

Anonymous said...

No fair -- you had a Memorial Day parade in your town? Too cute! Happy WW!

Unknown said...

Oh yes, fire trucks are SUPER exciting!! Cute shot!

dawn klinge said...

What a cute picture of your little guy.

jenn said...

Love this picture. You took it at the perfect moment. Love the excitement. Very sweet.

The Mud Bug said...

So funny how kids love fire trucks. Happy WW!


McClure Family said...

oh boys and their trucks!! LOL! what a great photo!!

my ww's:

Luke Holzmann said...

That is absolutely fantastic [smile]. Love it.


Darcie said...

Oh...to be young again, and be thrilled by the little things! Great picture!

really.truly said...

I love the look on his face...so excited and happy!!

Lindy said...

The excitement is just bubbling out!! What a great shot! Happy WW!

The Mother said...

I barely remember the days when my children were so happy about something so simple.

On the other hand, I no longer have to change diapers.

Staci A said...

What a perfect photo! Pure excitement!

Anonymous said...

Aww look how excited! To sweet!

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

How ADORABLE! Look at how excited he was!!! Too cute!! :)


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