Greeting friends and welcome to this edition of Aloha Friday where the island breezes sweep you away to a warm relaxing spot of heaven. Feel the sand between your toes, listen to the aqua blue water lapping just steps away as you gently sway in your hammock, under a shady palm. You can't help but smile as you sip your cool, sweet pina colada. Nothing to do by watch the... Ahhhh...ok, wake up! The kids are screaming again.
Question this week: What is the longest road trip you've ever taken? Would you do it again? (ok, two questions, sorry).
Have a great weekend! Here's hoping you find a little piece of heaven ;)

My longest road trip was about 7 hours one way and yes I would indeed do it again!
My longest road trip was 14 hours and that was a spur of the moment trip to Kentucky. I would do it again in a heart beat! Love them spur of hte moment trips.
My longest road trip was about 8 hours and I have done it 2 more times but I am officially done. If I can't fly there - I am not going.
It's hard to say what the longest one was. My SIL and I (before she was my SIL) and I would get in a car and just take off not even knowing where we were going. Sometimes we'd end up in another state. I still love to take really long road trips.
the longest trip i have taken would probably have to be with my family 6 hrs. to San Francisco for my husbands graduation from the academy. I would do it again because San Fran is beautiful but I would definitely plan a couple more stops and breaks (keeping 3kids happy in a car for 6 hrs. is a little bit complicated.)
My longest road trip was over 30 hours driving..by myself.. It was a 20 something crazy idea! grrr
My longest road trip I remember was to Idaho (about 14 hours) and I am doing it again this Sunday! :)
I used to live in San Francisco for school. My family lived in So Cal. I did a road trip once every 6 months or so and on holidays. The road is long and can be boring but with good friends it can be fun.
I'm about to do this trip in 3 weeks.
Happy Friday!
my longest road trip took about 10 hours... we went to a missions trip :) yes, i would love to travel back there again someday!
The longest and one of my most memorable!!!
In 1987, my grandparents drove here to California from Virginia, and my sister and I drove back with them! My biggest regret is that we didn't have a camera to capture every state we drove through!!! It was so fun!!!!!
Longest road trip to date...Salt Lake City to Las Vegas. And yeah, I'd do it again. :-) We're planning a doozy this summer - New York City to Philadelphia, and then Philly to DC, and back to NYC. With a 5 month old, a 2 year old, a 9 year old, a 16 year old and 8 adults. Woohoo!
22 hours to see my parents. Yep, I'd do in in a heartbeat.
Longest road trip would have to be Virginia to Boston, MA. About 11.5 hours in the car with three little girls - whew!
Before I was married and had kids I traveled to New Brunswick Canada (way up to Fredericton). I believe it was at least 10 hours. I think this was longer than drives to the south when I was little. Not sure if I would have a reason to go to NB again - it was a hockey field trip.
My longest road trip (what felt like the longest anyway) was the drive from Barcelona all the way up to Lyon.
I have a couple of awards for you at my blog; do come by and pick them up. :)
We drove from CA to IL then down to KY and then back to CA. We were gone for 2 weeks. We saw a lot of the country, though we also drove and drove.
Our longest was this last summer. About 2 days each way from north Idaho to the Grand canyon with six kids ages 1-11, one who threw up every 50 miles and another who had to potty every 25.
That trip? No, not ever again.
Something closer to home, you bet.
I'll just count our life after kid... hehe. 12 hours with the boy each way. for sure would do it again. house boat on lake shasta! in a heartbeat!
Longest roadtrip--as a kid--from Louisiana to Denver to Grand Canyon to Louisiana--spread out over 2 weeks.
As an adult--from Louisiana to Orlando--driving straight--14 hrs--with 4 kids and a dog in the back--enough said!
Would I do it again...absolutely!! Love road trips. So much to see out there...so little time.
From Indiana to Florida - I want to say it was in the 10-12 hour range! Family trip - lots of fighting.
My longest road trip was with my 4 kids last summer, going to see grandparents, it took about 24 hours. Will I do it again? Heading out in 4 weeks...minus one kid, but gaining a husband and the missing kid on the ride back.
Fun post!!!
It's hard to remember the longest .. but I'd say a week or two.. and I'd so do it again! i just need my husband and my care products and of course one rule: only if we go with our car this time:)
Have a nice weekend!
(fellow Aloha Friday girl here)
From Texas to New England and no I wouldn't do it again. lol
The longest road trip took about 4 days and yes I would do it again. I love traveling this way.
The longest road trip would be from San Antonio, TX to Kokomo,Indiana...I thought that drive would never end! I was a kiddo' though, so probably why.
Yeah, I'd do it again:)
8 hours to Florida! I would do it again.
i did a road trip from loveland, colorado up into canada, over to toronto, down into seattle through california, over into vegas, ending at scottsdale, AZ.
it was an 8 week trip. awesome!
When we lived in Wisconsin we drove all the way to California once. It took us about three days. But it was fun. We only had one child at the time and she behaved pretty well on the long trip. Would I do it again? Maybe. Maybe when my kids get a little older.
When I was younger, we would drive cross-country in the summer, in a car WITHOUT A/C. No thank you. Now? I don't enjoy any car ride that lasts longer than two hours. Thanks mom and dad.
by car, Philadelphia to Georgia, by train, from Philadelphia to the West Coast.
my longest trip was 26 hours by boat and by a bus trip. happy wekend
Our longest road trip was Texas to Florida in Feb. of this year...and no I wouldn't do it again! We drove it in 2 days. I told my husband next time we go to Disney World we are flying! It was long and boring...the only scenery was pine trees....miles and miles of pine trees!
My longest road trip was from Minnesota to NY...and then back. Alone one way, with my MIL the other way :)
If I did it again, I would want my hubby and boys to be with me.
Hey, I mentioned you on my blog today ;) Didn't want you to miss it :) Have a great weekend.
My longest road trip (in miles AND time gone) was last summer, from Phoenix to Seattle. I did most of it (all but about 8 hours of driving) by myself - with a 4 year old and a 2 year old. We were gone for 6 weeks. I would definitely do it again! It was so fun visiting my sister and my kids' cousins!
I've also done Arizona to Nebraska with a 3 month old. I'm not so sure I'd do that one again...
We're not really into road trips but I guess the longest was driving from Los Angeles to San Diego. I would do it again. :-)
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