My question this week: The web has been referred to as "the information superhighway." When you spend time online what are you seeking? Comraderie? Frugal tips and deals? 15 mintues of fame on your own blog/website? Recipes? Your bank balance? It could be anything...just curious about what most often drives you to the web.
For me it's a creative outlet and bonding with other moms.
Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend...can you believe it's the last one in June?!

I find myself looking for friends to chat with, preferbly women, I really enjoy the intereaction. I also enjoy facebook and of course my blog friends. I enjoy writing stories and seeing what others think of my writing.
I'm usually on blogger. I like finding recipes, reading book reviews, looking at photos, doing memes and checking out weight loss blogs.
I will look up anything I am working on. Maybe it will be something I'm writing in my blogs,or a trip I'm planning, sometimes a commenter will ask a question I need to look up. I love having the ability to search the net:-)
I mostly come on to check my blog, post etc and check emails and to 'socialize' so to speak.
I think the companionship. I love hearing about others lives its a great window. IF they have problems I feel for them, it there's excitement I feel it too. IF there is sorrow I send a hug.
Plus I love giveaways :)
When I blog, I blog to share our family adventures with my family who lives far away and to document things that I might not otherwise document that will be interesting to posterity. It was an added bonus to discover that there is an entire blogging community of creative, intelligent, kind people who do a lot of the same thing. I've really enjoyed getting to know people and people are very interesting.
Otherwise, I use the internet to look up information.
I spend most of my time reading review blogs, looking for great companies and products to share on my blog and chatting with all my online friends.
I use the internet for everything. I shop, get information and blog of course!
I'm usually online reading the news, feeding my curiosity researching random facts, and connecting with friends and family (email or Facebook)... that's a lot, isn't it? ;-)
I seek for mostly giveaways to enter and to add to my growing list of contest and giveways in my other blog at All Things Bloggy.
(There goes my shameless plug!)
Have a great weekend!
I guess I get online to do a little shopping, checking banks accounts and paying bills but mainly blogging and reading other's blogs.
It's usually business. I have online store so I have to go through a lot of email.
Well, mostly for the news, especially politics. I'm a political junkie.
I think I mostly go online to talk to other people. Or to "escape" in my own little world away from my household duties. :)
My Aloha Friday :)
I do so many things online. Check in with friends, do research, write and the list goes on and on. It is hard to believe that not that long ago we hardly used the internet in our lives and not it is impossible to think of life without it.
I maintain my website and (4) blogs. I also do a lot of research for various topics from health, cooking, Hawaii, golf etc.
Until my life involved blogging, I just checked email and played on FB. Now, blogging is a huge part of my day
Come see me
Lately, I've been spending a lot of time looking at houses online. We're in the process of finding a house to buy. I've gotten a little obsessive, I'll admit it! I also spend a lot of time with my blog and helping out as an editor with Family Review network. I visit blogs to see what other people are up to or thinking about. I guess the Internet is my window to the world outside my house. :)
I think I do a little bit of everything. I really love blogging though!
I tend to go on as my outlet. I stay at home, and use it to contact friends and check up on news and entertainment stories, and of course, my own blog!
I do a lot online, My blog, email, my bank and entering giveaways. I love twitter and I love finding new recipes!
Online, I love to read blogs, play hearts and even chat on AIM with friends and family.
Facebook, People online, and my blog...these are the three sites I visit daily!
Wow - the list could go on and on - ha! First thing when I get up, I have my coffee and go online to check the news - CNN.com and FoxNews.com - that's how I catch up on the news - we never have a TV on until nighttime at our house! I also work on my website boutique and website email, so I have to be online daily! And then there's the Blog, facebook etc where I try to network for my website, but also with friends and just meeting new people and finding new interesting things! I pay lots of my bills online and I also shop on Ebay for ALL my golf shoes (11 pairs and counting!)And also have ordered things for the house online - Our kitchen counter-top table from Crate and Barrel, an awesome jute/sisal rug from pottery barn - the list goes on, trust me!! Have a happy wk-end!
I am right there with YOU...I love the creative outlet that my blog gives me.
blogging, socializing, and email
I use the internet for almost anything. Blogging, banking, couponing, directions, email, instructions, just relaxing, keeping a journal and calendar, music, news, photography, recipes, shopping and socializing.
Hmmm...it would be hard to say. All of the above, I guess!!
blogging, facebook, twitter...
It's definitely a little bit of everything. I pop on a lot to find out what the name of something is (like a movie or book) or how to fix something or look at scrapbooking websites, etc.
Lots of things really, for work reasons, my blog, searching for info... the one thing I don't do is shop online anymore. Bad experience with my credit card info being stolen has stopped me from shopping online.
Entertainment and friendship. Sometimes (in regards to weight loss) accountability.
i spend time on my blogs, twitter, facebook, banking, emails, browsing, and news...
I search for information a great deal, blog, and fill out contest
Definitely online shopping! I love being able to buy things without leaving the house!
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