Wordful Wednesday- A Barrel of Fun

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

There is something to be said for simple pleasures. When a bucket and some water are all you need for blissful belly laughs. Remember those days?

Mom Blogs
Don't miss the fun. For more WW visit 7 Clown Circus and 5 Minutes for Mom.
Also visit Family Traditions for a special WW giveaway!

tiarastantrums said...

how did they all fit!!!!! love it!

MOMMY-MOMO said...

what great fun!!!

Cecily R said...

Blissful belly laughs...we all need more of those, don't we?

Those pictures are kid happiness captured...I love them!

Anonymous said...

Oh what fun! They look like they had a great time. My little girl use to love to play with a bucket of water.
I'll get mine up in the morning.

Michelle said...

Looks like a barrel of monkeys to me. :)

MommaD said...

How much fun! With 4 boyz it would turn into a shoving match and tip it over! Love the shots, makes me excited for warm weather...

Erica said...

How cute!! I know it doesnt take much does it.

More Than Words said...

How cute..they all fit in the bucket!!!!!!! Pool are overrated anyway!

Unknown said...

So much fun! I love that they all hopped in together! Isn't that funny? They have a million toys and they're happiest with a bucket of water!

Marie Reed said...

Rub a dub dub three men in a tub! Adorable!

Upstatemamma said...

Oh how stinking cute!!! Just goes to show how kids can have fun no matter what! And that expensive toys are completely unnecessary. :)

Run DMT said...

So true about simple pleasures! I think I have a picture like this somewhere too!

Happy WW!

Hootin Anni said...

yes indeed.....fun, fun FUN!!

My Wordful is an update on my Sister's Day gift. It's very pretty right now. Come see if you can find some time today.

HAVE A GREAT MOTHER'S DAY this weekend. Happy Wednesday to you.

Anonymous said...

Fun stuff! You know my kids were doing that the other day in industrial buckets. My daughter got stuck though! LOL! :) Great pictures!

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

Awww...so sweet! Now how did you put your pics beside eachother????

Tara said...

LOL!! i almost posted the same pictures!!! We broke out the buckets this weekend...have a pool, but the little ones love the buckets!

Erin @ Furry Murray said...

It looks like they're having a blast! Brings back good childhood memories for me.

Brittany said...

Buckets are always fun delights! Too cute! Happy Wednesday!

sheila said...

Buckets of fun! lol. That would SERIOUSLY make a great card...beautiful!

Unknown said...

They look so cute in there all together! Such great photos! : )

PMKU said...

We have those here. Our boys just love to play in them. Happy WW.re

Staci A said...

Love it! It really is all about the simple things!

Cookie said...

So Cute! Please send some of that warm weather to Seattle. We seem to be missing ours.

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

Who needs a fancy pool when you've got a bucket?! :)
My WW Post

Jennifer said...

Agh! Your kids are adorable! I looooove these pictures!

AudreyO said...

Awesome photo. When I was growing up though I had games and toys, it was often things like a bucket and water that brought hours of fun for me and my friends.

Unknown said...

HAHA I miss those days. You may as well bring out the soap and do bathtime there!!!!


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