Ok, another meme, I know. Some of you must be groaning. But I am having such fun meeting new friends this way...and this one had me at the name. Flashback? I'm a sucker for all things nostalgic and just look at the button! We had that camera. And I promise if you follow along you'll get to poke fun at me :)
So my Friday Photo Flashback is a pic of me holding my little sister when she was a babe and I was in kindergarten, circa 1978. I actually remember this photo. I was on my way to school, (first day maybe) and upset that I couldn't stay home with mom and the baby. Check out the dress, the couch, the awesome wood paneling and that hair. Nice wings! Aqua Net, yeah baby. Little' Sis is sporting the baldilocks. Too cute!

So what were you doing in the Fall of '78?

Look at your grown-up hair...
As for you "holding" your baby sister, I'd say you were holding her up! That is so cute...the baby looks shell shocked and you, well, you've got it going on!
Happy Friday!
Cute photo! I wasn't even alive yet.
RE: kiddiescorner
"Cute photo! I wasn't even alive yet."
How cute are you!! And you little baby sister...awwww!! I can see why you wanted to stay home!!
1978...hmmm...I was 9 years old, and in the 4th grade!!!
I remember the wonderful wood paneling from the 70's. What a sweet picture.
Love you picture! Your hair is so cute! hmm...1978? Ah! I was not born yet, me born two years later.
Awwww you look so cute. And I too, was born in the 70's and what makes it even worse is that the hair didn't improve in the 80's!
Very cute picture!! Flashbacks are fun.
Fall of 78? I was...a glimmer in mom and dad's eye....
hmm I was 6 and probably sitting in the exact same couch you were in this pic!
What a sweet photo!!
Aqua-net, lol. That's too funny. I can actually SMELL that now just thinking of it, ha ha ha!
p.s. LOVE your sunday quotes for Memorial Day, nice!
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