Wordful Wednesday

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

So, we had FiOS installed today. It took like, 8 hours. Literally. This while I'm juggling 3 small rowdy children and one chew-happy puppy as hubby sleeps to recover from the night shift (and the hoopla from the UNC victory in the Final Four, woo hoo). Anyway, did I mention that my house is only 1400 square feet! Yeah, lots of fun.

So, now we're supposed to have this super fast Verizon FiOS deal and honestly, I can't tell a difference in the internet connection. The TV picture is better, but I don't really watch all that much TV, so no big bonus there. I guess it is a better $$ deal than we were paying for satelite and DSL. But here's the thing: ever since it was installed my Firefox keeps crashing, like every 2 seconds! Grrrrrrr. So annoying. I had to switch to Safari to even post this. Now, I'm no computer genius and the two may not be related; but, why does it always seem that when you fix (or upgrade) one thing on a computer, something else breaks?!

Anyway, I'd better shut up now so I can get this post up and get in line for Mr. Linky. I've dug deep this week for my WW. Since my camera is still crapping out, I've reached into the archives to bring you this beauty, which always cracks me up:

Happy WW! Visit 5 Min for Mom and 7 Clown Circus for more Wednesday fun. And be sure to enter my giveaway while you're here!
tiarastantrums said...

funny photo - good luck with the upgrade

Joy said...

Wow! That picture just made me snort. I only do that when I'm laughing so hard that I cry! Toooo cute!

Audrey said...

That picture has me cracking up!!

Cecily R said...

That picture is PRICELESS!!

Hootin Anni said...

That photo is such a HOOT!!!!

My Wordful is posted now. Thing is, the photos aren't of good quality this time since I had to photograph them through the dining room window.

Happy Wednesday to you.

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

That is a GREAT picture!!!

More Than Words said...

Hi Melissa! I know what you mean! Hopefully you can get the Firefox situation figured out.

I do love that picture!! Too cute!

Anonymous said...

Hope it all works out! Love that picture! TFS

Anonymous said...

that picture is hysterical!

i'm here from mbc. i tried subscribing in a reader but i kept getting an error. i'm following you through blogger though.

Anonymous said...

How fun and cute!

Unknown said...

That picture rocks! Sorry about your internet troubles. I have NO patience for stuff like that!

Claremont First Ward said...

I'm no computer genius either......but an upgrade should be just that! When we got cable internet we had problems with our computer resetting and crashing all the time. Still don't know what that's all about!

annies home said...

LOL looks like weve been in too long

Anonymous said...

That picture is just toooo cute!!



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