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My question is: If you could relive one day of your life what would it be?
For More Aloha Friday Fun Visit An Island Life

Sometimes there are things you don't want to share on the internet
Wow good question and I really don't know! I will have to come back on that lol what's your answer?
Gosh, it's a tie between the day I got married and the day my son was born. I'm going to pick the day my son was born since this time, I want to get more pics! I only have one of me holding him right after he was born.
Hmm.. very good question.. does that mean we can change that day and make it better? lol Because if we could change it.. then that would me my husband and I wouldn't elope we would have a huge wedding lol
I'd love to relive some of my last days with my Granny before she passed. I think it'd be great to relive those memories.
Awesome question!
I think it would be my wedding day. I can not remember much about it since I was so nervous. I wish I had taped it...
I think if I could relive one day of my life it would have to be the day my maternal grandmother died. There is so much more I would love to say to her.
My Aloha Friday
Good question!!
Hmmm..one day???? I will have to think about this one!!! LOL
I know it seems weird to say it, but the day I gave birth to my son! I would try and remember more details, I would insist on holding him to my chest longer after giving birth, I would make my husband take pictures of me and the baby (that's right, I have no pictures of me holding my little one! Boo!) and I would make sure to sleep, sleep, sleep, since it was the only time my baby slept through a night! :-)
I liked being 5 so I think I would like to be 5.
Well, it's not really 1 day, but 5 days. In 2005, my mom and I went to Pennsylvania on a bus tour. This was my first "Vacation" I ever had and loved it. I would love to relive those 5 days again. I had such a blast!
I would relive my wedding day. So much happened that I do not recall. So many loved ones there that are no longer with us too.
Hmmm... good question.
I'd relive a day in my childhood visiting my grandparents. I had such happy moments with them. I'd love to relive one of them. =)
Happy Aloha Friday!
my answer is always the same to this one...i'd go back in time so i can say i love you before it was too late. (vague - but i'm not giving up more than that on the internet)
/i'd relive the day my grandma died. We didn't know she was going to die and I would like to go back and spend more time with her.
Taking my kids to the local forest preserve to ride their bikes on the trail.We rode through the botanical garden there as well.
When I was 5 cause I do not like getting old! LOL
I think I would go back and spend a day with my great grandfather who raised me. He is gone now and I would do anything just to see him one more time.
September 2, 2001. It was the last time I held my 2nd daughter. I would never set her down for a minute.
Last Wednesday was a really good day :)
No really my husband took the day off and we went on a trip. Great Day!
This is such a hard question! Hmmm...it would have to be the day I got married. We had so much fun and everyone was so happy. Plus, we got married on an island. With all this aloha Friday...I need an island vacation!
Besides ones that are too horrifying to share, I'd like to spend another day with one of my favorite people ever, my great aunt who was like a grandmother...I didn't really understand she was dying, and it would be the last time I saw her. I'd go back to that last day I saw her and stay all day.
Just finding you from Island Life - couldn't pass by your bio as it sounds similar to me - except we don't have a dog. :)
The night I went to the Joshua Tree concert.
Hmmm...I think the first day we went to Disneyland! I had waited my whole life to go and it was just perfect...we all had a great time!
well it depends on if we are reliving it to change it or just to experience it again. I would love to relive the day my son was born just to feel that all over again. OK not the labor, LOL, but the feelings when he was born. Such a high!
The birth of my 3 kids.
The day I married my hubby! I will never forget the look in his eyes. It was magical!
i wasn't really sure, but after reading some comments i would have to also say my wedding day. it's all a blur so i would like to remember more of it. plus, i would change a few things to make it better.
Wow, what a thought provoking question. At first I came up with all kinds of thoughts, but then...I think...I wouldn't change anything. Because if I did, I don't think that things would be the same today. Like..I think changing one little day might effect the whole shabang...you know? So no, I wouldn't change anything.
btw, I love your blog name. It makes me think of warm breezes and those little icecream dot things. mmmmm :)
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