Have you tasted Starbucks' new Pike Place brew? It's yummy. And guess what? They are offering a free cuppa joe to all educators on Monday, September 29.
Here's the scoop:
This coming Monday, September 29, homeschool parents will be able to pick up a complimentary tall size (12 fl. oz.) cup of Pike Place Roast from Starbucks. This is part of Starbucks "Great Start for Great Teachers" promotion, and is now open to all teachers. HSLDA intervened when we alerted that homeschool parents were not included in the promotion. We are pleased that Starbucks is recognizing the contribution of homeschool parents by extending their program to us. In order to pick up your free cup of Pike Place Roast you will need to present evidence that you are a homeschooler. Any one item on the following list should be accepted by Starbucks:
Home School Legal Defense Association membership card.* Membership card from a state homeschooling organization.* Notification from a school district or state government recognizing compliance with compulsory attendance.* Paperwork submitted showing intent to establish a homeschool program.* Paperwork showing the establishment of a private school.If you don't have one of the items on this list be creative and try to provide other proof of homeschooling.
Thank you Starbucks...and those tenacious folks at HSLDA ;)
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