We found a small dragonfly inside our storm door. My 10 year old caught and it set it free outside.
I captured tons of flowers for the Leap Into Spring! Challenge. We also found baby chickadees in our birdhouse! (iPhone pic shooting blind, lol sorry about the quality):
We had a chilly evening outdoors at soccer practice:
We found a new tree to climb at a little park.
I finally captured a blue jay. Not the most fantastic photo, but they are so timid that they are hard to catch. We found a nest above our yard so I'll keep trying ;)
This week's prompt was 8-5. I don't work outside the home, but those are the hours during which we do most of our homeschooling. We don't spend the entire time on school work, but most of it happens mid-day. This is a pic of my girls working online. It's an iPhone pic, sorry about the graininess and blur.
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What have you been up to? I'd love to hear. Thanks for stopping by! Make it a great week ;)

Love his thumbs up for the soccer success!!! And yay for the catch for release. :)
Those little chick a dees are so cute and I love that blue jay shot!
Totally impressed by the dragonfly & that b&w of your daughter is STUNNING!
Beautiful photos. Love the dragonfly and the soccer photo. He he.
you pictures are fabulous. everyone. my favorite is the dragonfly.
These are great! Love the soccer pictures! Isn't it fun? The black and white capture is awesome! Those baby birds are adorable, grainy or not!
really lovely images of all the thing you clearly love.
your blue jay image is very good, but your real stars are the little ones, captured beautifully!!
Your daughters look so cute on the computer. Love the one at the chilly practice too. You can see the wind blowing through her hair--Nice.
I LOVE dragonflies and that picture drew me in... then i admired the rest of your beautiful photos! :) The flowers are beautiful!!!!
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