Boy, I don't know how all of you Super Moms out there do it. I visit your blogs, read your meaningful, heartfelt posts, learn from your tutorials, gawk over your gorgeous photos and wonder how on earth you have time to accomplish it all! By the time I shoot, upload, organize, edit and prepare my pics for the web, I am so far behind at home that I hardly have time to type in a few mindless sentences. Even when my brain is clear enough to imagine a brilliant idea and begin to plan out it's execution, I am acutely aware of the laundry piling up, the kids fighting in the next room and the guilt trip from my neglected husband. I inevitably fall short, in more ways than one.
So, I don't really know where I am going with this. I don't suppose there is any point to my babbling beyond the release of pressure from admitting defeat. I really only intended to introduce my favorite photo of the week. I'm not really sure it is my favorite photo of the week. When I set out to shoot, I was hoping for a more brilliant sunset or at least some decent HDR pics. I set up for HDR processing, but the movement of the water and the boats caused too much ghosting so I abandoned that idea. So, this is it, and once again I'm falling short, but I'll just keep peddling in hopes that one day I'll get there ;)

You are being way too hard on yourself, these are beautiful with gorgeous light. And I don't know how moms with young ones do it - something somewhere has to suffer. Mine are teenagers now, but my house is a wreck since I started blogging and carrying my camera everywhere. ; )
That is pretty darn spectacular my friend!!!!!
I don't understand your photo terms, but I do understand that the photos themselves are glorious.
love the sunset, it amazing
These are gorgeous!
I do know what you mean about not having enough time. I wish I could do more with my blog and photography, but I know realistically I need to cut back even more on it all.
Those are picture perfect!
Visiting for Favorite Photo Friday! Hope you can stop by:)
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