Just a Little Something

Friday, January 20, 2012

...to brighten your day. I hope you enjoy these tulips as much as I have ;)

"Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into."  
~Henry Beecher, Life Thoughts, 1858
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Karin M. said...

... very nice photo work, the tulips are so delicate and fine.
thanks for stopping on my blog ...
Greetings Karin

Vhen said...

wonderful shots! love the perspective much...


Jama said...

The flowers are simply gorgeous! I just can't pick which photo I like best as they all are so wonderful.

Kim said...

I love all of the different angles you took these at. That first one is my favorite.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Wonderful flowers. Great colors. And really lovely work.

Gretchen said...

Gorgeous! Love the colors!! =)

diane said...

All beautiful shots .... but that 3rd shot is WOW!

diane said...

All beautiful shots ... but that 3rd shot is WOW!!!

LeeOhana said...

How could those photos NOT brighten anyone's day?

They are amazing photos, as usual!

Tiffany said...

So pretty...gotta love fresh flowers in Winter, lovely shots.


Gina Kleinworth said...

HOLY COW- those are beautiful!!! I think I love that first one with the contrasting colors the most. But they are all just so pretty


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