5 Minutes for Mom is hosting a Summer Photography Series to help other bloggers learn more about how to take great photos. I signed up for the weekly email alerts so that I can follow along. You can read more about it here.
The focus this week is on getting to know your camera and utilizing settings other than Auto. For me, this is actually in perfect timing with the "Know Your Camera" class I am taking through Love That Shot. I have been shooting in Aperture Priority mode on my Nikon D5000 with a new 55-300mm lens and playing around with the depth of field to get some shots with that lovely bokeh in the background. (If you aren't sure what bokeh is, here's the definition from wikipedia: "In photography, bokeh is the blur or the aesthetic quality of the blur, in out-of-focus areas of an image, or "the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light.")
Since I've taken about a bazillion photos of my kids and the flowers in my yard, a trip to a park on the river provided some new inspiration.
These were taken with an aperture of 5.6.
This was pure luck. I was trying to get a pic of all 4 kiddos together and happened to spot this moth on a nearby flower.
It was fun chasing this little squirrel about trying to get close enough for a good shot without spooking him off. I'm glad I got one with him looking at the camera.
This one was taken from farther away with a longer focal length so there isn't any bokeh. I thought she was lovely though and I love the greenery in contrast to the bronze figure.
Looking forward to checking out the posts of other participants. Come join the fun!
Wow! Perfect captures of the moth and the squirrel! Those are even harder than kids! ;)
What beautiful photos! I really need to learn how to take photos out of auto mode. :-)
Awesome captures! Love the squirrel one.
Happy Sunday!
Great shots! Look at you and your purdy new camera! :o)
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