Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

There's a monkey in my tree.
But I'm not complaining.
I'll take that over a monkey on my back any day ;)

For more Wednesday fun, be sure to visit these fabulous blogs:
5 Minutes for Mom
Wordless Wednesday HQ
Thanks for stopping by!

Veronica Lee said...

That's the cutest monkey I've ever seen!!! Love the pics.

Happy Weds!

Anonymous said...

What a great web log. I spend hours on the net reading blogs, about tons of various subjects. I have to first of all give praise to whoever created your theme and second of all to you for writing what i can only describe as an fabulous article. I honestly believe there is a skill to writing articles that only very few posses and honestly you got it. The combining of demonstrative and upper-class content is by all odds super rare with the astronomic amount of blogs on the cyberspace.

I am Harriet said...

Think I got that some comment (above- anonymous) twice this week....

Looks like a happy monkey :)
Take care.

Anonymous said...

My little guy would love to get up in tree. Your monkey is super cute!

Thank you for the wonderful comment on Blueviolet's post.

Liz Mays said...

Oh I most certainly would too!

Aimee said...

How cute! My kids love to climb trees. They are so happy that our new house has a lot of them. :)

Gem said...

So cute!

We don't have any trees like that nearby, but I'm sure my "monkeys" would be all over them too...


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