I have yet to get organized. I am trying. I have various educational resources bookmarked, books and planners marked, stacks of "stuff" I'd like to do, some tentative field trips planned and no real sense of clarity about the near future. Can I go back on vacation now???
While I get my act together I'm posting these resources that I plan to use at the start of this year:
Beginning of the year kinder assessment
An Apple Unit and more on apples/Johnny Appleseed and reading list
Hurricanes and hurricane survival
Kindergarten resources and lessons
Labor Day Lesson Plans
Free Spanish Lessons for young kids
I hope these help someone else and maybe they'll motivate me to get moving :D

These are awesome! Your links ALWAYS help me, so thanks. And I hope your life settles a little! :S
Great links! We don't start school for a couple more weeks and i am having a hard time pulling my self together and finish up the plans and how to put them all together. I think I'm doing too much though..anyway. Good luck getting in order!!
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