Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Last week we took a jaunt to Williamsburg. Whenever we go, we visit our favorite old tree. 
The kids love to climb on it and we always take pictures of them there. 
Of course, getting a shot without any monster faces is tough!

For more Wednesday fun, be sure to visit these fabulous blogs:
5 Minutes for Mom
Wordless Wednesday HQ

Veronica Lee said...

Such gorgeous kids!! Love the pics!

Liz Mays said...

I love the faces you captured! What a cool tree also.

I am Harriet said...

Your kids are so cute. Hope you are fairing well since the storm.

Mya Maternity said...

Those pictures are so good! Very cute kids and I like the tree too.


The Blonde Duck said...

I want to climb a tree now!

Unknown said...

Very cute kids-great photo spot!


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