So, it's Memorial Day weekend. It's sunny, hot and gorgeous here. Though we live just 20 minutes from the beach we never go on Memorial Day weekend. Too many cars, too many people. I enjoy the beach, but I don't enjoy being in close proximity to hundreds of strangers in bathing suits. We quit the pool last year for the same reason. We generally hit a museum, attend the local parade, take lots of family walks, grill out and eat too much. We also watch a lot of the History Channel marathons as we are nerdy homeschoolers. Oh come on, history's cool!
Anyway, so far it has been a low key weekend. Aside from a few blue crab and water moccasin sightings on the river up the street, there has not been a whole lot of excitement around here, and that's OK by me.
What do you have planned for the holiday weekend?
If you missed my post on Memorial Day links and activities check it out here. And have a safe and fun-filled weekend ;)
God Bless our troops!

We are going to travel to our hometown in Pueblo and enjoy a big phamily barbeque on Monday. Love it! I already had a s'more! I am bad, very bad today! But on a bright note I did eat a healthy taco salad without much carbs! Hee Hee! Your day sounds fun! I hate too many crowds too. I hope the weekend continues to be beautiful and safe. Anne
I'm with you...we avoid the crowds! We just got back from vacation so our weekend is going to be filled with "catching up" on lots of things! I think we might head to the museum on Tuesday though...when the crowds are smaler. :) Have a good weekend!
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