Friday Follow Blog Hop

Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Follow
Hi there,
I'm joining in the Friday Follow fun again this week. If you are new here, welcome to my little spot in the sun. I blog about my life as a homeschooling mom and military wife with three kids, a baby on the way and a goofy great dane puppy. As you can imagine, all of those responsibilities keep me pretty busy, and blogging is my "me" time. Of course, there is often little time left over for me, so this blog is definitely a work in progress. I like to share homeschooling resources and experiences, crafts and family fun ideas, recipes, frugal living tips and occasionally do product reviews and giveaways. You'll find my follow and subscribe links in the right sidebar, as well as links to some of my favorite educational resources, and blogs I like to visit often.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoy your visit, and I look forward to visiting your blogs and getting to know you better!

MckLinky Blog Hop

Alicia said...

Following from Friday Follow! Have a great weekend!

Stacie said...

I am already following! Just popping in to say Happy Friday Follow.

Lisa said...

Following from the Friday Follow!

Michelle said...

hello from your latest follower! and fellow homeschooler ;)

Anonymous said...

Following back! Thx

Jingle said...

Miltary wife,
Mom to 3 kids...
Busy and fruitful life.
Nice to see u bud with fresh ideas and new agendas.

Best wishes.

Anonymous said...

Good brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you seeking your information.

Riannon said...

I am a new follower from Follow Friday. I plan to homeschool so hoping to hear some great tips!

Anonymous said...

Genial brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.

Mrs. C said...

Hi, new follower, not from the Fri follow. Homeschool mom of 2, loved the info you offer...Looking forward to reading through your blog!

Anto said...

I am your new follower, if u find time do stop by my blog and spread the love!

Unknown said...

Hello! I'm a new follower! Love your blog! Hope you have a terrific weekend!


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