According to Wikipedia, "Labor Day is a United States federal holiday observed on the first Monday in September. ... The holiday originated in 1882 as the Central Labor Union of New York City sought to create 'a day off for the working citizens.' Congress made Labor Day a federal holiday on June 28, 1894, two months after the May Day Riots of 1894. May 4 was chosen to remember the Haymarket Affair. ... Today, Labor Day is often regarded as a day of rest and parades."
"Traditionally, Labor Day is celebrated by most Americans as the symbolic end of the summer. ... Families with school-age children take it as the last chance to travel before the end of summer. ... However, of late, schools have begun well before Labor Day, as early as July 24 in many urban districts..."
So, are you looking for Labor Day Lesson Plans and activities? I think I've got you covered...
K-2 Labor Day Lesson
When I Grow Up K-2 Lesson
Labor Day Word Search (Use the suggested word list or make your own and print)
Labor Day Cube Craft by Crayola (K-6)
Labor Day Internet Scavenger Hunt
What kind of work was done in Colonial Days? Follow a the life on a family farm. (2-6)
Poetry for Labor Day
Songs for Labor Day
Labor Day Crafts (plan a town, make bricks, become a baker, lots of fun ideas for various ages)
Labor Day Reading List for various ages
Complete Labor Day Lesson Plan (PR-K-2)
A List of Labor Day Links for Grades 1-8
For Even more resources check out this post. Have a happy Labor Day!

Wow, that's great! Thank you for that info and the links!!!
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