Mom Musings

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Monday: wake up the the rasping, hacking sounds of a barfing dog. sweet.

Tuesday: skillfully and precisely perform Lego extraction from nostril of squirming toddler. good times.

Wednesday: while cooking dinner, assisting 7 year old with spelling and cleaning up preschooler's spilled milk, whirl around to witness toddler gagging himself with his own fingers, throwing up, and the dog licking the floor clean. yup. no longer hungry for dinner.

Thursday: who knows what joys lay ahead???

7/2/09 This just in: My answer came at 10:04 AM...poop. In the tub. Seriously. I shit you not.

I think I'll put the kids up for rent and move to Alaska.

Chris said...

have a great thursday ahead!

Anonymous said...

Oh my God-- hope it gets better -- the dog thing was nasty. LOL

Annette Piper said...

LOL, well, that's pretty awful. I think I would have lost my appetite too!

Great blog - and I've given you an award! Go here to check it out :)

Icy BC said...

Not a dull moment when you're living with kids, and that's for sure!

Great days ahead..

really.truly said...

LOLOL....good times! This totally made me laugh out loud.

This Real Mommy said...

I too laughed out out loud. Hang in there; the week HAS to get better for you! :)

VeRonda said...

Wow!... And I complain when I miss my daily nap! LOL!

G.Dowell said...

You definitely made me feel better about my week.

The Simple Gourmand said...

Oh wow! Mom told me to check your blog because you were having a crazy week; I had no idea! Call if you need to vent :) XOXO


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