I'll tell you right off the bat, that this post is a plug for my little 'sis. She's a hard-working, super-caring, smarty-pants school psychologist. She spends her days (and many nights) helping the kids who need help the most. Many of those kiddos have Autism and it's her job to help them succeed in school and in life.
Most of us know someone who struggles with, or is touched in some way by autism. Unfortunately, most school systems (and many parents) have limited funding and resources to make the most of today's technology and give these kids all of the benefits they deserve. Imagine the frustration of working your tail off day in and day out to help a struggling child, knowing there is a better way, but being unable to access the tools that you need.
That's where the Autism iPad Challenge comes in. Here's the scoop from Smarty-Pants herself:
iPad Challenge
Here’s a great opportunity to support the autism community and help me win an iPad to use with my students who have autism. The iPad is not only a fantastic instructional tool for kids who are nonverbal and/or have strengths in visual processing, it also will be invaluable in collecting and graphing data on my students’ academic and behavioral progress. I simply need to sell any combination of 60 of the items pictured below.
How to participate:
1. Place an order from the website (http://www.thepuzzlingpiece.com/products.html).
2. When you make your purchase you MUST put my first and last name (Heather Langknecht) in the section that says, “Challenger’s Name”, otherwise I won’t receive credit.
3. After you place your order, come back here and post a comment telling me what you ordered and if/how your life has been touched by someone with autism.
4. Once I cross-check your name with the orders you will be entered in a drawing for a $35 Amazon gift card (this could turn out to be a money maker for you!). I will announce the lucky winner on July 15.
The following are the only items from the site that count towards the challenge:
My personal favorite is the wine opener ;) Please consider making a purchase for yourself or as a gift. And, even if you can't make a purchase, please share this link and spread the word!
Thank you for your support!

As a mother of a child with Asperger's I REALLY love this post:) And I'm so thankful for people like your smartypants sister:)
Thanks, Lori! I truly appreciate your support. I verified your purchase and it looks like you're the front runner for the gift card as of right now!
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