Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Be sure to stop by these fabulous blogs for more Wednesday fun:

Hope @ It's a Vivas Thing! said...

Your picture brought back memories for me. When I was a kid we had geese. There was one that didn't like me and would always chase me in the backyard. ha ha...thanks for taking me back in time!

Anonymous said...

It is fun to have a feathered friend join you on a walk.

Nina said...

What a great photo... I can't imagine being that close the geese around here are not nice and will hiss if you are that close.

Liz Mays said...

I thought that goose would be cranky when so close to it! You found a friendly one!

alicia said...

Love the corkboard backdrop here. I tried to find this and couldn't. Funny pic. That goose is pretty close there. Haha. Drop by my linky party. http://weloveiowa.blogspot.com/2010/06/wordless-wednesday-more-south-dakota.html

Aimee said...

I hope that was a friendly goose!


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