Recipe Swap Monday

Monday, June 15, 2009

This little gem showed up in my mailbox compliments of Family Fun magazine. It was just too cute not to share. We'll be making these this week for Dad :D Since no one at my house is a fan of coconut, I plan on substituting the coconut flakes for green jimmies instead. They should look like grass, I think. I'll post pics here after we make them. Here's the recipe:

These sweet lawn mower cupcakes are a cut-above choice for Father's Day.
Chocolate-frosted cupcakes
Coconut, flaked
Green food coloring
Hershey's Nuggets
Black licorice laces
1. For each cupcake, mix a handful of flaked coconut with a few drops of green food coloring. Press a chocolate-frosted cupcake into the coconut to cover.

2. The mower is made with a dark chocolate Hershey's Nuggets body, brown M&M's wheels, and a red M&M's engine, held in place with dabs of frosting.

3. Shape the handle from a piece of black licorice lace, then insert the ends into the cupcake.

Stacie said...

These cupcakes look adorable!!

Anonymous said...

Those are so cute -- TFS
And playing along today!

Elizabeth said...

Hi, I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger award on my blog this morning. Check it out here:

Enjoy! I enjoy your blog!

Tara said...

This is soooo cute! Love it!

Darcie said...

Those are the cutest! I bet daddy will love them.

Wendy said...

Ooh ooh, I love Family Fun magazine! I think everyone should get that! The last two parties we've had I have gone to the web site and gotten ideas for cakes. I did the bulldozer cake for my youngest son which turned out great. I did the pirate treasure chest cake for my older son and that was pretty much a disaster (and expensive). But then again, I'm not the most skilled baker, either!


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