My question this week is: If you could go back to school (for a degree or just a course) to study something, what would you study and why? My answer? Graphic Design. I have an advertising background, but I if I were to work again, I would want to be on the creative side of things. Bonus? I could pimp my blog ;}
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Well I would have to say I would love to get back in school and finish up my Sociology degree i always wanted to work as a Social Worker. :)
I'm addicted to learning, so I have several: I want to study foreign languages, Graphic and web design, and get my MFA. *sigh* I hope I can do it one day soon. ;-)
I would totally go to culinary school!!
Yes I would say Graphic Design too. I have already taken a couple of courses but that was like 4 years ago. I would love to go back and study that and start designing blogs. I did the one on my blog but (besides the photo) it is boring to me. I am paying someone to make me one right now - hopefully to be revealed next week.
I'd love to study to be a doctor. I kind of regret not going that route--I know it's not too late, but now that I have a son, I don't want to have to do those long resideny hours, etc.
I have no idea what I would study. Probably business, graphic design, and marketing. I think I use these things a lot in my life now, and it would be nice to have some training in it!
i would study photography, photoshop, and web design.
I have thought about going back to school. I would want to learn Religious Studies because I find it fascinating.
i think i would go for education :) specializing on children.. :) by the way, ill add you to my blog roll so i can visit you more often!
I want to learn how to do hair. Is that cheesy?
I have already done the "corporate" thing. If I went back it would definately be for something fun!
I graduated with a Liberal Studies degree and a multiple subject credential. I use neither :o( But I would love to go back to school for child psychology or child development. If I ever get to use my credential, this would really add to it.
I would definitely go back for a second bachelor's! I'd either finish Early Childhood Education (I switched majors after 2.5 years) or Psychology.
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