This is a picture of my dad (nice 'stache and check the tube socks), my mom holding me (the squirmy one ~ yes I look like a boy, but that is me), my great grandmother whom I adored, and my big 'sis. This photo is from the summer of 1975 when I was about 2 years old. It was taken outside of my great grandmother's cottage on Lake Michigan, my favorite place on earth.

Want to keep flashin' back? Visit my sweet bloggy friend Alicia at More Than Words for more fun.
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That's such a cute photo!
I was BALD for the longest time as a baby, so I looked like a boy too!
oh, yeah you were squirmy, lol!!!! But so cute! Love the shoes.
You know, when I told my hubby that I took them out of the garbage in order to take a picture for my blog, he didn't even seem at all surprised, lol!
Hi Melissa!!
Your comment really touched me too! And you know what's so funny? I almost didn't post this picture. I wasn't sure if anyone would care about seeing Well, I was wrong!!!
Divorce is the hardest thing to ever deal with. My kids are about the age I was when my parents got divorced. I couldn't even imagine!!!
Thank you for sharing your precious memory this week! That's how I felt going to my granparents house in Virginia! It always felt like home!!
I just gave you a One Lovely Blog Award! Go to my blog to check it out!
(that is a nice picture BTW)
precious picture!
Don´t you love those old photos that brings all kids of great memories back?
Gotta love old photos. Are you always so squirmy ? :)
Love it....squirms and all!
That is the sweetest photo. Don't you just love how old photos bring back sweet memories. Have a great day! Blessings.
What a great photo! I love seeing little details to depict the time.
My father had a very similar 'stache :) And my daughter looks like that in half her baby pics, too! She's such a squirmer.
Aww! How cute you were. Love those tube socks!
such a sweet picture of your family with your great-grandmother!! What a joy to have known her!! I wasn't so lucky to know any of my grandparents except my mom's mom; I'm sure you have lots of precious memories!
have a good weekend!
What a fun photo. I love old photos. Have a great weekend.
I so looked like a boy when I was that age, too!! Maybe it was because I was bald till I was two! I love pictures like this one--so many memories!
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