Wow, where did February go?! Is that Spring I hear calling? The happy chirping of the birds and the jonquils in bloom tell me it's not far away. Yea! Since February is coming to a close it's time to reflect on this month's photography and submit a favorite shot to Click It Up A Notch's link up. To find out more visit Courtney's blog here. If you love photography and don't already subscribe to her feed, I can tell you she offers great tips and tons of inspiration for all things photography!
So, this month was kind of up and down for me. I learned quite a bit through my Clickin' Moms course, but also felt like things began to fall apart a bit. At the beginning of the month I really felt like my focus was getting better, then as I tried to pull all the things I've been working on together for a shot...manual exposure, spot focus, creative composition, etc. I felt like I was all over the place. I did learn that when I take time to plan out a shot, set it up and think through my settings, I can pretty consistently get what I'm looking for in a shot. But, when I'm chasing toddlers and kids through changing light situations and varying backgrounds it's a whole different story!
I do feel like I'm learning each day and making progress slowly, but surely and for that I'm thankful. I participated in several
weekly challenges, and tried some new things with
fruit bubbles and
water drops and I
got in front of the camera more (which I'm really not very comfortable with).
I have learned more about manual shooting and post processing in Lightroom this month and I'm looking forward to pushing deeper into those areas in March. I really hope I can start to pull it all together more consistently and begin to hone in on my personal style.
My favorite shot from February is this one of my youngest. I love her expression and the light in her eyes. I am blessed to have such a beautiful subject to work with ;)

How have you Clicked It Up a Notch this month?