Wordful Wednesday

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Here's my Happy Jack. Nearly 19 months old. We went for a check up today and he passed with flying colors and didn't even fuss at the two shots he received. What a trooper. Poor little guy isn't feeling so hot now, though. In fact, I've got three kiddos nursing colds now. (At least I hope it's a cold!) Better button this up and head to bed. I could be in for a long night.

By the way, we went shopping the other day. At Best Buy. Always trouble when there is a man involved. Anyway, I finally got a new camera...YEA! I'm so excited. Unfortunately, I haven't had much spare time to play with it yet, so this is all you're getting for this episode ;) (And, don't even ask what DS got...it was a lot bigger than a camera!)

Happy WW!

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

What a cutie! Glad his appointment went well!

angie said...

Cute pic! Hope everyone starts feeling better soon.

Congrats on the new camera (and the tv!).

Joy said...

Happy WW! I hope everyone starts feeling better soon!

Belinda said...

I wanted to thank you for stopping by to comment on my HOTM article, "What Little League Won't Teach You." We are so thankful for the life lessons that the Lord is teaching us through all of our children, and it's a blessing to share those lessons with others as well.

Anonymous said...

Get better everyone! He's still cute though!

Staci A said...

Hope he feels better! Checkups can be rough. He's a cutie!

Pam said...

I hope everyone feels better soon. (and that you got plenty of sleep last night!)
He is a cutie.

Diana of Diana Rambles said...

Very cute....looks much older than 19 mos!

Momisodes said...

Congrats on the new camera! Hope everyone feels better soon.

Claremont First Ward said...

He looks like an angel. So cute.


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