Do You Compost?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Are you planning a garden this summer or have you already gotten one started? We planted a veggie garden Easter weekend and are anxiously awaiting a crisp summer salad! Gardening is a fun way to spend time together as a family engaged in a long term project. Kids love to get dirty, and learn so much from tending a garden and watching their hard work come to fruition. Whether you plan a big plot full of a variety of produce, or a small container herb garden, working on it together with your kids will bring you both great joy.

My reputation for having a black thumb precedes me (my husband will certainly attest to this- two things always end up black in my care, plants and bread). But I am determined this year to taste the fruits of my labor!

We started planning a few months ago and began composting all of our biodegradable waste. I bought a tall bin with a lid that has holes in it and placed it out back near our kitchen door for easy access. I lined it with a trash bag to keep the juices from oozing all over. I throw in whatever is compostable as I cook or clean up the kitchen. A better idea would probably be to put a wooden crate out back or even just heap the stuff in a pile in the corner of the yard (forgoing the plastic bag), but most days I'm too busy to pee, let alone run back and forth across the yard with our trash. So, I did what would work for us (yes, sometimes I'm more brown than green, but I'm trying). Anyway, we mixed in all this muck when we tilled the garden and we're expecting sweet rewards (coffee grounds are supposed to be fab for growing tasty tomatoes).

Here's a pick of our newly planted garden, I saw our first sprouts today!

If you'd like to learn more about composting, check out these sites:
How to Compost

Aimee said...

Love your garden! My daughter and I want to plant a garden so bad, but our house is for sale so I'm trying to wait until we move. I did plant a few plants in containers so we'll see how they turn out. I've had a chive plant in a container for years and its going strong.

Momisodes said...

We definitely hope to start composting within the next few weeks. Our town provides bins at a small fee :)

Your garden looks lovely!

Anonymous said...

Love the garden -- can't wait till we get in our own house so we can plant a garden -- we are just renting now. TFS

Nessa said...

Stopping by from FMC! Thanks for sharing about compost, I've been doing a lot of reading on the subject lately.

onna said...

Thanks for the simple compost setup idea. I like it!


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