Kate McRae

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Look at this beautiful soul. She's gorgeous isn't she? This photo reminds me of a country music video. Her face is so beautiful and sweet, yet wise and almost haunting.
This is Kate McRae. She was recently diagnosed with a rare and aggressive brain tumor and she and her family need your prayers. Please read her story. Learn more about her family and what's happening now.
Please pass this story on. Hug your babies tight.

sheila said...

She is stunningly beautiful! I'll keep her in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful! I will keep her in my prayers.

Hit 40 said...

Fabulous picture!! Adorable child. I will keep her in my prayers.

A neighbor boy also has had a brain tumor. This was about 7 years ago. I pray that she also recovers.

really.truly said...

Oh wow! She is gorgeous....and just looks so sweet.
I will pray for her!!

Nina said...

She is a beauty and that is so sad to hear. My prayers are with her.


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