Aloha! And happy Friday to you. Is is my imagination or did this week fly by? Maybe it's because I'm a year older now and time is passing me by, sigh. Anyway, on to the fun :D
My question this week is simple: If you could have someone come to your home do one weekly chore for you what would it be? (Assume this is paid for my some generous benefactor) My choice is a toss up between cleaning the bathrooms or the kitchen...either way I'd love for someone to clean the floor while I sit out in the sun sipping a margarita...
Ok, now back to my regularly scheduled chores. But hey, it is Friday. I'm seeing an icy sweet margarita in my future :D
Don't forget to enter my giveaways here and here!

I need someone to help with the vacuuming. Now that I have two dogs, there is double the hair and dust bunnies. I have to vacuum everyday and it sucks. Aloha and take care.
It never goes away....
Clean the floors and kitchen.
Great question! I think it would have to be bathrooms--the tub, shower, everything. Although one fantasy I have is that a Chef comes by and prepares a healthy dinner and leaves it for our perfect family....
Oh boy, my head is spinning with all the possibilities. Laundry, cleaning bathrooms, dusting... actually I think I'd like someone to come in once/week and cook dinner for our family. Aloha!
The bathrooms. That is what I hate the most.
clean the bathroom!! :D
that's easy, for me it's routine yard maintenance. I enjoy being outside however it's hard to keep it up with a crazy work schedule.
I'm so there w/ the bathrooms comment. Or the floor. Most of my floors are tile. Nah, I'd stick w/ the baths.
I am with Harriet... Laundry for sure. It is one never ending job that I hate.
Dishes or Laundry. Thats a toss up.
I agree with Harriet: L A U N D R Y!
I hate doing it and it's so time consuming. Plus there are different stages from picking up laundry to putting from hamper to washer then washer to dryer, then folding/hanging....ugh! So annoying!
Can you say cooking? That would be cool to have someone else do the cooking. contest!
I think I'd have to pick Ryan Gosling and have him come over and swifter my floors. Shirtless.
If it was anyone else, I'd say that I'd want them to clean my tubs. I hate that job.
Scrub my kitchen floor YEP has my vote and I'll share that Margarita with you FROZEN please and don't forget the Salt
I would love to have a professional come in and deep clean my carpets. They're not looking very good lately.
The chore would be cooking!! But that would have to include all the clean up involved with it. They could spend the day making all the meals for the rest of the week and then I would just pull them out and heat them up. THAT my friend would be HEAVEN!!!
Oh we get to pick WHO comes to do he chore?? Well well...if that is the case....I pick...Owen Wilson. I know odd...but i just have a thing for him.
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