Aloha Friday

Friday, July 10, 2009


In a few days I will turn 36. Now I know I'm not old, but I am not very fond of the idea of growing older. I do admire women who age gracefully and intend to do my best to follow suit. However, with all the recent questions from my daughter like..."Are you an old lady?" and "Are you getting old and sick?" Along with all the ribbing I endure from my younger husband, I have to admit that I'm feeling like I'd rather stick my head in the sand then have another birthday. So, my question of the week is: if you could stay one age forever, what would it be?

Jen said...

I guess I'd say 17 because it was the year that I first got together with my husband and I love that beginning stage of a relationship where everything is so wonderful.

Momstart said...

I loved high school, but I love right now too. I think 29 is good

Heatherlyn said...

Physically? I think I liked 21. But even 30 was good. :)

Anonymous said...

I loved being a kid. I loved school, girl scouts, going to the mall, library, roller skating and movies with my girlfriends. Having slumber parties. Spending the summer swimming and the winters ice skating. Oh, to be a kid again!!!!

Jennifer said...

I honestly cannot say I would want to. Each year I learn something more, change my priorities or way of thinking. I am 40 and find I am more comfortable now with who I am and where I am then when I was younger. I would not chose to stay any age.

Chris said...

i remember when i was 7 wishing i would always stay 7... no worries no responsibilities... :)

PMKU said...

First I thought I would say 25 just because everything fell into place for me. Then again I wouldn't have my 3 beautiful babies. I'm going to say 36! lol

Ziggy Stardust said...

35, I honestly think it took me that long to really appreciate life and get a handle on things, not to sweat the little stuff. It is a good age to be. You don't look old yet, body still in tact for the most part.


a49erfangirl said...


Shana Putnam said...

I think I would have to say 31 which is what I am now. I have a wonderful husband and my precious son and couldn't ask for more.

Anonymous said...

hmm, good question. I would have to say 22.

Irene said...

Interesting question! I think I would go with 25....if I had to stay that age forever I guess that would work for me!

Jennifer said...

I'd be 26!

More Than Words said...

If I could stay one age? It would be my age now because I have all my kids!!!

Awwwww!! LOL!

East Coast Wahine said...

Today is my 50th birthday and I wish I could stay this age indefinitely! *L*

I am Harriet said...

I've been 29 for almost 20 years. Guess that works.

Kiki said...

I would go back to age 28. That is when I had lil' D and still felt young and vibrant. Have a wonderful weekend and take care.

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

24/25 when I was first married. It was the world just before 9-11 and things were so much simpler at that time. Of course I wouldn't have my kids yet.

Sky said...

That's a tough one! I loved my 18th year...but I love being a mom too! Probably 29 though. I was pregnant with my daughter and life was perfect...still is doing well!

The Four Week Vegan said...

I'm pretty happy at 42, but honestly if I had to pick an age, I would say I have not reached it yet. I totally look forward to when I my dh is retired and we are grandparents - so I guess 60 sounds good to me. I am probably crazy.

Susan Cook said...

Off the top of my head - 21! That was the best time of my life. Party!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't change anything! I love the age I am now!

MediMonsters said...

I would like to stay in my 30s, well 29 I guess.

Happy Aloha Friday.

Becca said...

I'm 26 now.....and I have liked every year of my life. High school was really great for me up until my senior year...and my last few years were good too til my dumb boss took over the program I work for.

Kekibird said...

Easy: 24! I loved being 24! I had a princess party at a bar, with boas and glitter and a tiara. It was a blast. That turned out to be a great year for me.

Mrs. M said...

Probably the age I am now (35), but only if I get to keep my kids with me, this is a fun age. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I would stay 29 forever. Hehe too bad it's way past that now.

Jean Stockdale said...

I am 54 and do so love this season of my life but I did enjoy my 30s so it would be somewhere in there.

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Drahdrah said...

I'd say 29. Old enough to know better, but still young enough to look and feel great ! (I started having hip issues when I was 30... otherwise I'd say 35)


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