Wordful Wednesday

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Welcome to this week's edition of Wordful Wednesday! *Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them).

Our favorite neighbors recently attended a church service that discussed looking at the positive side of life and seeing the "light" in every day things. Rose colored glasses were handed out to the congregation and our neighbors brought them to the kids. Jack tried them on and this was the result:

I guess they really work! (Now, if only they made rose colored contact lenses ;D)

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tiarastantrums said...

great post - cute kid

Muthering Heights said...


Sara Elizabeth said...

What adorable photos. I adore how hard he seems to be laughing. Super sweet.

Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

Americanising Desi said...

ahhh happy WW


Unknown said...

That is such a sweet post : ). I love that their church did that! I hope it helped many people! Your blog title is so cool! I have always loved that word: Serendipity! So cool!

Michelle said...

Could you get me a pair too? He is way too cute and from the look of his face I'd say they were working!

Happy WW!

Simply Being Mommy said...

So sweet!

debi9kids said...

How cute! (and what a great idea for a church service!!!)
Happy WW!

Americanising Desi said...

Hey That is a Cute oNe!


Anonymous said...

What a cutie! He seems to really like those glasses. TFS

K said...

I don't know what's cuter: the open mouth or the hands full of excitement! Very cute!!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

What a cutie! I love that smile.

Susan Cook said...

Great pictures. And a cool idea for a church service. Thanks for sharing.

Stacy Uncorked said...

Way too cute for words! ;)

annies home said...

so cute he started seeing life in a different color LOL

Unknown said...

Looks like he's lovin' seeing the world that way! What a smile! : )

More Than Words said...

LOL! Too cute!

Maria@Conversations with Moms said...

So cute. This really made me laugh. I love the symbolism.

Amy said...

Just visiting from Wordful Wednesday. Cute post. I love love love your quote about homeschooling! From a fellow homeschooler, I GET IT! I too have seen the village and ran scared! :)

PMKU said...

What a cutie pie! Happy WW

Run DMT said...

He looks like a little Elton John! :-) Happy WW!

Amy and her little family said...

how precious!!! Look at those glasses! That boy is so cute... I bet you are loving him so much!

Melanie said...


Melanie said...

momdot.com has it in html on her blog. a bunch of people participated. you're welcome to go take a look.


Heidi said...

AHHHHHHHHHH! He just makes me wanna sceam, it looks like so much fun. Probably shouldn't have screamed at naptime though.

Momstart said...

THat's such a cute photo

stan said...

bah!!!! he's bubbly enthusiastic!

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

Cute! I love the excited face. :)

My WW Post


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