Friday Photo Flashback

Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday Photo Flashback

Here I am, baby baldilocks circa 1973. I just love the background in flashback photos. The wallpaper, the burnt orange shag carpet, the wicked cool mustard colored appliances and matching garbage doesn't get any better than that!

Want to keep flashin' back? Visit Alicia at More Than Words for more fun.

Pilar said...

Soooo cute!!!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Always great to meet new friends and am looking forward getting to know you.

Hope to see you back soon

More Than Words said...

LOL, Melissa! I have not heard the words "shag carpet" in sooooooooo long!!! That is the total 70's!! Everything about this picture is the 70's!! Love it!!!!!!

Thank you for sharing this adorable picture of you!

Pam said...

You look so cute sitting on the shag carpet. I thought that stuff was so cool in the 70's when I was a little kids. lol

Anjanette Young said...

What a cuttie!!!

Anonymous said...

What a cutie!

I have something for you over at my blog!

BrnEyedGal said...

Oh..that is a great pic. You are so cute, but I must say that the loud walls and carpet are fighting for attention as well, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Well, at least you were - and still are- cute! I haven't seen a picture of Mr. Chips in a looooong time. Thanks for digging this out!

really.truly said...

So cute. I remember burnt orange shag!! How about royal blue too!! I love all the baby toys circa 1970

Joyeful said...

I LOVE the wallpaper and the shag rug! LOVE em!!

Erin said...

Love the baby smooth and perfect. You were adorable. I remember shag carpet, rust as a decorating color, too. You forgot about avocado green and paisley prints! Ugh...

Darcie said...

Laughing over your comment about "baldilocks". You know what...there is something about those you think they will be coming back anytime soon? It's been awhile. :o)

sarasophia said...

I LOVE your "village" blog quote. I am a fellow homeschooling Mom and can't wait to follow along on your adventures:)

Beth in NC said...

What a beautiful baby! Love it! Bald headed babies are precious -- I was one too (ha).

Thanks for the follow! I look forward to knowing you better.


Vickie said...

I see your son's picture in your Facebook badge and you two look so much alike!!

Muthering Heights said...

You were such a cutie!

I was a bald baby too. :)

Sweet Blessings said...

love the burnt orange carpet! thank you for stopping by my blog today! blessings! amanda:)


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