Thousand Words Thursday

Thursday, May 21, 2009

This is a picture of my dad, my younger sister (isn't she purty!) and I. I chose this photo because unfortunately, I don't have many photos of my dad and I together. He drove down last week for my husband's graduation and we had a great time together.

I have the utmost respect for my dad and I love that he is so great with my kids. Seeing him interact with them reminds me of playing with him when I was growing up. My parents divorced when I was 12, and I missed out on a lot of time with him. Since I'm usually the one behind the camera, I just don't have a lot of photos of us together. So, I am treasuring this one. And my sister, well she just rocks and I love her so!

For more Thousand Words Thursday stop by Cheaper Than Therapy.
Cheaper Than Therapy

Felicia said...

I love daddy photos! I don't have very many of myself and my dad either. I have been trying to work on that!

Amy Dingmann said...

Great picture! Isn't it funny how we are always the ones behind the camera? Its always nice to have a few where you're in front of it...with people who are obviously important to you.:)

Together We Save said...

Great picture. I have something for you on my blog.

I am Harriet said...

Neat photo!
Gotta love those moments.

Suburban Hooker said...

I heart Daddy/Daughter photos!!!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful Picture! TFS

Janis @ SneekPeek said...

So glad you are enjoying your relationship now.

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

You know, this made me realize that I don't have that many pictures of me with my dad either. I should get some. Happy Thursday!


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