I visit a nut in a nut shell and mom of the perpetually grounded. However the first blog I visit is the last one commented on my blog and I continue down the line.
I love so many wonderful blogs and visit most of them every day! Visit the blogs I follow...you are one of them! And of course, I appreciate your visits!
Gosh, there's so many I visit regularly. Yours, land of bean, simple jeanne, zen mama, jannie funster. The list goes on. Plus, I always visit those that leave me a comment.
I usually just go through my reader in the order that they've posted. I have way too many to list. But I take a few days off every week. I have carpal tunnel syndrome so I have to.
I like to visit Thetamom.com & mommyfiles.com
Happy Friday!
I visit a nut in a nut shell and mom of the perpetually grounded. However the first blog I visit is the last one commented on my blog and I continue down the line.
I love so many wonderful blogs and visit most of them every day! Visit the blogs I follow...you are one of them! And of course, I appreciate your visits!
Gosh, there's so many I visit regularly. Yours, land of bean, simple jeanne, zen mama, jannie funster. The list goes on. Plus, I always visit those that leave me a comment.
Since time is limited, I mainly visit the blogs that comment on mine. Then when I have more time, I can go down my list of blogs I follow.
I usually just go through my reader in the order that they've posted. I have way too many to list. But I take a few days off every week. I have carpal tunnel syndrome so I have to.
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