We've been busy little bees, cooking, crafting and carving our way through fall. Can you believe it's practically November already?! I'm afraid to blink or I'll miss Christmas. Am I just getting old or are the days actually shorter than they were thirty years ago? Anyway, here's a peek at what we've been up to...

Some Daddy love

That's right Aunt Hez, you scoop the goop while I play

Story time

Mama's little helper

It's just not Fall without the gingerbread!

Caramel apple bites

Painting ghosties:

Put on your "spooty" faces
That's not my Lion is my favorite Usborne book. HOWEVER, I also love stories from around the world and reread them all the time because they're just so precious. Usborne has so many great titles.
mmm, and a starbucks gift card too??? I haven't seen the reindeer book yet. WOULD ABSOLUTELY LOVE to win that!
Thanks for the chance!
The great dinsaur search. I would like the science experiments and starbucks. Thanks!
That looks like it was such a fun day!
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