In addition to the non-stop parade of delicious dishes on her blog at The Pioneer Woman Cooks, and her sister site at Tasty Kitchen, she also has a cook book out titled, The Pioneer Woman Cooks and a new children's title, Charlie The Ranch Dog. It's a sweet little story about Charlie's life on the ranch.
As if that wasn't enough, now The Pioneer Woman Reads too. Her Charlie book is featured this month on the Barnes and Noble Kids Club website and you can listen along while The Pioneer Woman herself reads it to you. Check it out here:
Seriously, is there anything this woman doesn't do???
By the way, this post was in no way sponsored. Just thought I'd share a little down home warmth and a good story time tale with you. In case you hadn't heard ;)

This book looks really cute!
I didn't realize she was quite that diversified.Holy cow!
I love her site! Apparently my husband does I was using his computer one day and noticed her site was bookmarked on his recipes folder. When I asked him about it, I found out that his delicious pancake recipe came from her site!
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