Wednesday, November 11th is Veterans' Day, the day we honor all of our military service members who serve or have served our country. Veterans' Day in the U.S. and Rememberance Day in Canada and England were originally called Armistice Day. Armistice Day was the day on which the armistice agreement between the Allies and the Central Powers was signed, ending World War I on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, November 11, 1918.
Check out these helpful resources for teaching kids about what it means to be an American and why it is important to give thanks to all those who serve our country.
Take a virtual field trip with a Vet with this short video and learn about the evacuation of Saigon.
Find poetry for Veterans' Day here.
Find out about some Famous Veterans here.
Visit VAKids for facts about Veterans' Day, games, activities and more for kids in K-5. Plus, worksheets and printables here.
Get a FREE Veterans' Day Lapbook from Currclick 11/11 only!
And, send a Veterans's Day ecard to a Vet you know with American Greetings.
For older kids, find articles, poems and essays related to military history here.
Most of us have vets in our families and neighborhoods. Don't forget that one of the best ways to get kids excited about learning is to make it personal. Talk to the Vets you know, help your kids come up with interview questions for a "news article," or just open the topic by asking a Vet about his or her experience and be sure to thank them for their service :D
Have a Happy Veteran's Day!
You can also visit my post from Flag Day for even more lesson plan help.

Wonderful info/post! My dad is a vet (vietnam). Nice post.
Thank you for the links (again), and for the Veteran Day ideas!!!
I am so very grateful to our Veterans! Thank you for the post. :)
Just in time for Veteran' Day a new episode from MEET ME AT THE CORNER, Virtual Field Trips for Kids (www.meetmeatthecorner.org)
Young Robert goes aboard the USS Midway in San Diego to talk to Vern Jumper who served on the USS MIDWAY during the evacuation of Saigon.
Links to fun websites and a Learning Corner of questions and activities.
Hi there Anonymous,
Thanks for the comment. Your link is actually included in my post as the first item if you click on "video."
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