Bzzzzzzz - Flowers on Saturday

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Linking up today at Flowers on Saturday. I caught this busy guy yesterday afternoon. There was a cherry tree full of them. I pollen flying above him reminds me of welding sparks. Okay, maybe that's weird, but it was fun to watch him hard at work. I don't think he had a clue I was there. 

Thanks so much for stopping in. Have a beautiful weekend!
Gina Kleinworth said...

Incredible detail!!!!!!!! Holy Smokes!!!!!!!

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Very nice macro photo.

Regards and best wishes

Karin M. said...

A fantastic photo... glorious flower...
Greetings Karin

Karin M. said...
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Eden said...

Beautiful photo.

Aimee said...

Beautiful! We saw some great bluebonnets along the highway today. My kids are older though and no one wants to pose for bluebonnet pictures anymore. :(

tinajo said...

Wow, so pretty - love it! :-)

Unknown said...

wow!! what an amazing capture!! how cool to catch him so busy at work!

LeeOhana said...

OMG! That is so amazing. You're always able to capture such extraordinary images!

Donna Heber said...

Your cherry blooms are gorgeous! What a fantastic shot of that bee hard at work. I am happy to be back and joining everyone for Flowers on Saturday. Spring is finally arriving here.


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