
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Holiday Bokeh Fun

'Tis the season for holiday bokeh!  I thought I'd try something a little different this year. You can see last year's attempts here.

This time around I made a template of an angel, by cutting a circle the diameter of my lens from black paper, then cutting out a hand drawn angel. It's far from perfect, but after several tries with my tiny scissors, I decided it would have to do. This would be much easier if you had an angel paper punch!
I then taped the paper cut out onto the front of my lens and set up my subject a few feet in front of the lights. I shot with my 50 mm f/1.4 lens at 1.4. I cranked up my ISO to between 1500 and 2000 for these shots with a SS around 125. I found I had better luck when I added a little fill light using ambient lighting in front of my subject. These were all shot at night.
Here are my shots. Again, not perfect. I'll want to revisit this when I have more time to tweak my set up. I really wanted the angels to look as if they were flying overhead for the sleeping shots. I think trying a different strand of lights with fewer bulbs and hanging them from the ceiling somehow might help. 

There are so many fun possibilities to play with light this season. Give it a try and let me know what you come up with!

Thanks so much for stopping in.
Linking up here today:
Little by Little


  1. The one with Little Miss looks especially dreamy and heavenly.

  2. these are so the b&w!!

  3. I LOVE these! I haven't tried altering the shapes of my bokeh yet, but inspired to do so! I really love the first image. The expression is perfect! Intend to love a good gaze right into the lens.

  4. Beautiful- I love love love the bokeh!!! :)

  5. The bokeh is so nice, love it!

  6. Very creative ~ love the angels ~ children are beautiful! ~ (A Creative Harbor) ~ aka (ArtMuse Dog^_^)

  7. Thanks for sharing with Foto Friday!

    I wasn't following your blog or FB, I thought I was, sorry. I am now.


  8. LOVE that last one!!! Gorgeous in B/W too.

  9. Very cool! I have done the shapes before but never thought to do subjects in the photos too. ha.


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